We adore you O Christ and we bless you
because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world

.........the Alpha and Omega;
first and last,
beginning and end,
Creator Father, Incarnate Son, and Holy Spirit.

Mystical, eternal union –
from wood of holy crib, 
to hung with thorny crown;
warmly cribbed in wood, coldly gibbed on wood......

......a terrifying, death
defying, cradling;
fiery baptism through dirt and dross;
Corpus Christi Arising! More precious than diadem gold!

Mystical, eternal union -
one grain dies........ hundreds rise,
wheat................unleavened bread,
grapes...............fermented wine....

.....bread to Body,
wine to Blood,
dear host from that last supper;
to that most precious, sacred Host!

Baptized into your passion,
send me out, dying to self ;
to live and to proclaim,
for you and your kingdom.

.........the Alpha and Omega;

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