Raise us up, O God,
that we may live in your presence.
Come let us return to the Lord*
who has torn us and will heal us.
God has stricken us*
and will bind up our wounds.
After two days he will revive us,*
and on the third day will raise us up,
that we may live in his presence.
Let us humble ourselves;*
let us strive to know our God.
Raise us up, O God*
that we may live in your presence. [Hosea 6.1-3a]
A second stumbling,
falling away,
so alone.
beyond space,
beyond time,
God is -
in sovereign control.
I marvel at the power God has gifted to human beings in this world. Yet still I fall, because my arrogance often blinds me to my own limitations.
In this seventh station,
I can see your sacred heart was never proud.
Here, as in the garden,
you struggled.
So let us humble ourselves;
let us strive to know our God.