Nature and grace are of one accord,
for God is one in love, in nature and in grace.
Christ revealed our frailty and our falling*
our trespasses and our humiliations.
Christ also revealed his blessed power,*
His blessed wisdom and blessed love.
He protects us tenderly and as sweetly
when we are in greatest need;*
He raises us in spirit
and turns everything to joy and glory without ending.
God is the ground and substance,
the very essence of nature;*
God is the true father and mother of natures.
Nature and grace are of one accord,
for God is one in love, in nature and in grace. Julian of Norwich
This is what you came for,
eternal prophecy made flesh;
to die,
mysteriously rise, and proclaim forever.
When I see anything or anyone, as tiny as Julian’s hazel nut, like her, may I, marvel at your shimmering glory, running throughout all creation.
This second station teaches me,
that you will lift me up to see your beauty,
in what the world perceives as small and insignificant.
I rejoice that though this taking up,
Christ raises us in spirit,
and eventually,
turns everything to joy
and glory without ending.’